ShowCase 系列展覽 2022

香港公共屋邨 • 日常 | Hong Kong Public Housing Estates • Daily

藝術家:鍾卓玲 Chung Cheuk-ning

展期:2022 夏 Summer

地點:TERRA Drip Bar

香港公共屋邨 • 日常

香港公共屋邨主要由政府興建,是以低廉價格出租予低收入巿民的房屋類別,截至2022 年 4月,合共有251個同類型屋邨存在於全港,成為香港人日常生活的一部分。


這個攝影計劃始於2014年,源於我日常探索屋邨與及觀察居民如何善用屋邨各空間的個人經驗,屋邨的公共空間改變了居民的生活。但反過來說,居民同樣對空間起着微妙的影響。藉著觀察邨內發生的各種日常,我嘗試探索香港公共屋邨內居民與空間的相互關係,並期望以照片勾勒出一幅屬於香港屋邨的獨有景觀 。


Hong Kong Public Housing Estates – Daily

Public housing estates in Hong Kong are mainly built by the Government as a type of housing for low-income people to rent at low prices. As of April 2022, there are 251 such estates in Hong Kong, which are part of the everyday life of Hong Kong people.

Before the 1990s, when computers and Internet were not yet popular, public spaces and facilities in the estates were an important part of the entertainment and social life of the residents. Nowadays, with the emergence of online social media, it is clear that public housing estates have become less important as a social platform than before, but there are still some estate residents who have not abandoned them and even try to use and reinvent the space in their own ways to make it a part of their daily lives again.

This photography project started in 2014 from my daily exploration of the estate and my personal experience of observing how residents make use of the various spaces in the estate, and how the public spaces in the estate have changed their lives. But conversely, the residents also have a subtle influence on the space. By observing the daily happenings in the estates, I try to explore the interrelationship between the residents and the spaces in Hong Kong’s public housing estates, and I hope to create a unique landscape of Hong Kong’s housing estates through photographs.

This photography project started in 2014 from my daily exploration of the estate and my personal experience of observing how residents make use of the various spaces in the estate, and how the public spaces in the estate have changed their lives. But on the flip side, the residents also have a subtle influence on the space. By observing the day-to-day happenings in the estates, I try to explore the interaction between the residents and the spaces in Hong Kong’s public housing estates, and hope to create a unique landscape of Hong Kong’s housing estates through photographs.

鍾卓玲 (Chung Cheuk-Ning) 


鍾卓玲,於香港出生及成長,任職出版業界多年,現為香港出版社 brownie publishing 及 scone publishing 創辦人及總編輯,以推動本地攝影藝術與文化為目標。除從事攝影書籍編輯外,鍾氏亦熱愛個人攝影創作,並曾於2015年籌辦《100 香港人自攝像》攝影計劃。


Born and raised in Hong Kong, Chung has worked in the publishing industry for many years and is currently the founder and editor-in-chief of brownie publishing and scone publishing in Hong Kong, aiming to promote local photographic art and culture. Apart from editing photobooks, Chung is also a passionate photographer and has organized the “100 Self-Portraits of Hongkongese” photography project in 2015.


SHOWCASE 是一個由澳門年輕創作者發起的活動計劃,旨在推動澳門當代視覺藝術文化風氣並給予年輕創作者平台展示作品。SHOWCASE 原則上以季度為單位進行活動,並以特約形式邀請來自不同地方的視覺藝術創作者,以微型個展的形式進駐澳門各個非傳統藝術展場,讓創作能夠更貼地走入生活。我們同時亦期許能透過創作者與觀眾的分享與討論,使當代視覺藝術文化植根澳門,製造一片能探索各種藝術可能性的土壤。