
為何是方言社?/ Why “Dialect”?



Dialect 方言社,前稱「澳門攝影情報社」,由四位獨立攝影人共同創立於 2017,是一個以澳門為基地的攝影團體與平台,方言社透過舉辦各種形式的展覽、討論與活動,嘗試給予澳門攝影新的衝擊,探索攝影的無限可能性。方言社除了在網站上分享攝影學術的資訊,包括攝影師和攝影集的介紹外,亦會定期舉行不同題材的攝影座談會,引進來自本地和世界各地的攝影師在澳門舉辦不同類型的小型展覽,希望在攝影文化上為這個題材單一化的小城提供更多的選擇。


Photography no doubt has the characteristics of a language. But unlike language itself, it often lacks of clarity and remains unknown to readers. Words and sentences are different from images in terms of language structure, the famous literary theorist Roland Barthe once use haiku (a japanese form of literature) to metaphor photography for its ambiguity. Despite that, photography can be seen as a variant of language. Our collective “Dialect” represent our understanding to photography as a kind of non-standardized form of language, much like a dialect in linguistics. While image is presenting as a “visual dialect”, we are convincing that  contents and meaning of the images won’t constrained by any kind of written or spoken language but rather to review itself visually.

“Dialect”, formerly known as “PhotoIntel Macau”, is a photographic collective and platform based in Macau. Co-founded by four independent photographers in 2017, “Dialect” is dedicated to exploring the infinite possibilities of photography and giving new impact in photography to Macau through various forms of exhibitions, discussions and activities.


Dialect Archive
contact us: info@photodialect.com