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展期:25/03 – 27/06/2020

地點:Terra Coffee House


作品簡介 Introduction



‘The Whimsy of Architecture’ series illustrates a unique perspective of architecture in Macau through envisioning deconstruction and recomposition of the buildings as well as relating them to urban environment. Dip pen accentuates the magnificence of buildings while the use of colours completely different from the real ones triggers people’s imagination. This way of emphasis encourages the audience to observe and appreciate the beautiful architectures from an interesting and imaginative aspect instead of seeing them as cold and dull objects.

This series began in 2018, and seven of them are presented in this solo exhibition. From left to right are ‘The Octagonal Pavilion Library’, ‘Dom Pedro V Theatre’, ‘Our Lady of Mercy Nursing Home’, ‘The General Post Office’, ‘The Casa Garden’, ‘Rainha D. Leonor Building’ and ‘The Ricci School’. Rather than saying this is a collection, it may be more appropriate to describe it as an architectural documentary recording the design and feature of each historic building which may disappear in the future.

藝術家簡介 Artist introduction

黎嘉詠時常以澳門建築物為作品主題。她於英國留學時對建築學產生濃厚興趣,期望透過自己的理解和想像力,以別具一格的手法繪畫建築物。她視自己為一名觀察者,著重於建築物的細節及周邊環境的特色。她以沾水筆和彩色墨水作為主要媒材創作出「建築異想」系列,其中《郵政總局》曾入選“融 – 2019澳門藝術家作品特展”,《澳門八角亭》和《東方基金會會址》入選“東方基金會藝術獎2019”及《莉娜大廈》和《原利瑪竇學校》入選“全藝社秋季沙龍2019”。


Buildings in Macau have always been the favourite theme of Jasmine’s artworks. She has developed an interest in Architecture when pursuing her studies in the UK, and would like to present her art pieces with an unconventional approach. The artist sees herself as an observer, and pays attention to the details of the buildings and the urban environment. Dip pen with colour ink is the main media that can be seen on her drawings such as ‘The Whimsy of Architecture’ series, under which ‘The General Post Office’ was shortlisted in the “FUSION – Exhibition of Artworks of Macao Artists 2019”. In addition, ‘The Octagonal Pavilion Library’ and ‘The Casa Garden’ were shortlisted in the “Orient Foundation Art Prize 2019”, and ‘Rainha D. Leonor Building’ and ‘The Ricci School’ exhibited in the “AFA Autumn Salon 2019”.

Jasmine will continue to interpret the various characteristics of Macau architectures with her artistic insights, aiming to arouse attention to the historic buildings which are witnesses of the changes in Macau and should be cherished and protected for future generations.



SHOWCASE 是一個由澳門年輕創作者發起的活動計劃,旨在推動澳門當代視覺藝術文化風氣並給予年輕創作者平台展示作品。SHOWCASE 原則上以季度為單位進行活動,並以特約形式邀請來自不同地方的視覺藝術創作者,以微型個展的形式進駐澳門各個非傳統藝術展場,讓創作能夠更貼地走入生活。我們同時亦期許能透過創作者與觀眾的分享與討論,使當代視覺藝術文化植根澳門,製造一片能探索各種藝術可能性的土壤。