踏入冬季,我們將會在11/27晚上在边度有書為大家舉辦另一場 Mapping 的當代攝影討論,而本季的 Mapping 嘉賓,我們非常榮幸邀請到曾生活在澳門多年,現身處美國的葡萄牙裔美藉攝影創作者 Hugo Teixeira,他將於Mapping 當天會以視象會議的方式與大家一同討論他返回美國後一系列作品與及其關於創作的想法。期待本週六能一同討論各種關於攝影與美國生活的有趣見聞。
除了網上直播外,本次的討論一如以往仍然會有Slido 讓大家即時向作者發問,而作者亦會即時於網上與大家共同討論,另外,由於疫情及座位關係,我們建議有興趣的朋友可以先以預約形式來確認位置,感謝各位支持。
In the coming Saturday night (27/11), we will held our next Mapping session in which we are happy to invite our friend, Hugo Teixeira as our next speaker. As a Portuguese American, Hugo has lived in Macau for many years and he ‘s now currently staying in the United States. During this Mapping session, he will share his works with us and talk more about his life in the States and how this affect his work.
Due to the Covid-19 situation, Hugo is able to back to Macau, but the mapping session will held in the form of online meeting, and “Slido ” apps will be used in this mapping session in order to let audience asking question freely and anonymously regard to Hugo ‘s work.
Mapping 當代攝影討論 (photography discussion session) – 2021 winter – Hugo Teixeira
▎講者 (Speaker):Hugo Teixeira
▎主持 (Moderator):方言社 Dialect
▎時間 (Date & Time):2021/11/27 (Sat) 7:00 p.m.
▎地點 (Location):边度有書(澳門連勝街47號地下)Pin-to Livros & Musica (47 R. de Coelho do Amaral, Macao)
▎活動頁面 (Event page):https://fb.me/e/1ebo4SEiK
MAPPING 是一個由澳門攝影團體方言社發起的活動計劃,旨在推動澳門當代攝影討論氛圍及給予創作者們展示作品的創作脈絡;MAPPING原則上以季度作單位,透過作者與觀者主動分享與串連討論 共同編輯出一幅屬於作品的獨特地圖,讓大家能在浩瀚的當代藝術海洋中盡情地遨遊。 顯示較少內容