ShowCase 系列展覽– 重塑景觀

天橋底 (Under the Flyovers)


藝術家:周浩文 (Ho-man CHAU)

展期:2020 秋 Autumn 

地點:TERRA Drip Bar

天橋底 Under the Flyovers






Underneath the flyovers that we pass every day are patches of public space, with some catching our eyes and some being forgotten. They are so close that they are within reach, yet so far away that they seem to be in another parallel time and space.

In these spaces, we can see the use of impersonal spatial design and management, the eviction of the homeless, hawkers and other underprivileged people, as well as bizarre sculptures and gardens. If only we are willing to stop for a moment, it is not difficult to imagine the meaning behind these spaces and the stories that have happened. Perhaps we have always understood, but we have chosen to ignore them and forget them.

Behind the prosperity, the hidden scenery and stories have never disappeared with our ignorance. They are still going on.

That is the other side of Hong Kong.

周浩文 (Ho-man CHAU)