
途經你所屬之處 (A Sojourn in Yours)


藝術家:何沐恬 Mu-Tien (Tammy) Ho

展期:2020 春 Spring 


途經你所屬之處 A Sojourn in Yours



拍下這些居家場景本只是私人的格物與紀念。之後我徵求更多參與者,在不同風格的家中,找尋觸動我的視覺元素,並使用 photopolymer etching 照片蝕刻版畫技法重新製作,以手工擦版上色增加抽象感,猶如來自遙遠記憶的畫面。家總帶著一絲鄉愁,照片總與遙想牽絆。我在行旅中與借宿家屋的相遇短暫,而人對歸屬的追求跨越空間與時間,近似永恆。

On my return to England for the first two months, friends invited me to stay with them before I found a place of my own. As I moved from place to place, I was amazed by how much British people love their homes and their idea of ‘cosy’ being uppermost in their minds. Although, of course, home is always evolving, their interiors gave me a sense of security – seems they have never changed and will always be the same. I am curious why I feel this way – is it the well-considered colour scheme, the heavy floral pattern, or the comfort material that upholsters the furniture? Perhaps, it’s their mementoes in the rooms which give me a clue of the lives they have led?

Before I left these houses I took photos as a reminder. Later I transferred these images to photopolymer etching plates and printed them, giving them a feeling of nostalgia. I did this by delicate inking which made these images surreal, as if the setting was a distant memory. My stay in these homes was short but people’s need to belong is across time and space, and somehow eternal.

I plan to continue to make more images of homes in different regions, to observe the appearance of contemporary domestic spaces and the cultural phenomenon belonging to them.

何沐恬 Mu-Tien (Tammy) Ho