光合作用 Photosynthesis


展期:2017 春季 Spring

地點:Terra coffee house, Macau



關於「光合作用」本身, 我嘗試以夜晚中的燈光對我們身處的慣性社會所建立的價值觀念及個體(人)在日常的行為規範進行提問和探索。藉由畫面中冷灧的夜間景觀發掘出當今的社會是如何以燈光引導著個體在夜間繼續拓展其生活經驗,以及晚上的燈光在公共場域中賦予城市看得見的運作模式。透過觀看及紀錄這些文明建設,我們看見城市人正以自己創造的光源繼續對黑暗的探索,黑夜中的燈光將人類從動物社會體系中分割出來,然而埋藏在靜態景緻中的是重新認知和闡述凡常表像都市運轉的感覺。

By observing and documenting these night scenery that are named in the civilized society, I try to understand the meanings of man-made landscapes through photography. People are imprisoned within alleged multicultural illusions which only built upon the lifestyle of those majority. Simultaneously, the individualized details and possibilities existing in humanity dare revealed through experiencing the cultural development.


鄧國豪 Tang Kuok Hou


TKH was born in Macau at 1989 and works and actives in Macau Arts and Culture. He tries to use different methods to interpret Art, photography is his significant work and he graduated in Sociology in University of Macau. Which was a study on cultures consumption and human behaviors as his major. His works were collected by collector, local organizations, University of Macau, Orient Foundation, Creative Macau – Center for Creative Industries and Macau Museum of Art.